This location, opposite Brighton Station's "Drop-off Point" on the east side, has remained undeveloped (but cleared and sort of landscaped) since 2003.
In April 2013, work started on the oddly shaped site in order to create an arrangement of flats, shops and offices known as Super B.

ABOVE: Looks familiar? This is the reference plan for the site of what would become The New England Quarter, One Brighton, Super B et al, as it appeared in around 2001. The site of Super B will be in the area between the curved ramp in light blue and the northern end of Mocatta House, roughly where the words "boundary" and "application" are on this map.

ABOVE: Site plan detailing the usage of the particular plots within the area. Super B is Plot J. Plots A,B,C &D are Citypoint / Sainsburys, E is OneBrighton. Plot H is reserved for a hotel, but at time of writing ( December 2013) is still at the planning stage, almost a decade after initial redevelopment of the area.

ABOVE: The same location looking due east from Howard Place in 1967. Photo owned by Ian Allan Group and The Madgewick Collection.

15th April 2013

ABOVE: The entire site as seen from Brighton Station's Drop-off Point, on the eastern side.

ABOVE: The site looking roughly north-east from Trafalgar Arches / Mocatta House. A few glitches, but shows the location pretty well. Not impressed with the bag of dog shit hanging from the barbed wire!

ABOVE: The site viewed from the junction of Fleet Street & Fenchurch Walk, 15/04/2013.

ABOVE: The site viewed from Stroudley Way / Drop-off point, looking north-east. The tower of OneBrighton can be seen far left. Sainsburys London Road can be seen through the gap on the right of the photo.

ABOVE: Partial demolition of the retaining wall, looking north. Jury's Inn Hotel and OneBrighton can be seen left to centre of the photo.
30th April 2013

ABOVE: The first floor of the middle of the three blocks is seen under construction here in April.
9th May 2013

ABOVE & BELOW: Portakabins for Site Office are delivered and installed.

21st May 2013

13th June 2013

26th June 2013

30th June 2013

October 2013

ABOVE: Panoramic of the entire development, looking due west. Citypoint and Sainsburys can be seen extreme left, whereas the tower of OneBrighton can be seen extreme right. As at 2002, this area was dominated by an access ramp which lead up to the original station car park, to the rear of Clifford's Auto Factors and Martha's Barn Furniture.

ABOVE: Underground parking area below the corner block.

ABOVE: Looking roughly south from The Jury's Inn Hotel.

ABOVE: The Flatiron corner of the corner block at the northern end of the site. Flatiron design is becoming increasingly more commonplace as developers seek to maximise the use of awkward spaces as material technology has improved. In the past, such an area would have been a square or rectangular block and the remainder of the point either paved or lawned at ground level.

ABOVE: Looking east from the Drop-off Point at the eastern side of the Station.

ABOVE: The view from Brighton Station's Drop-off Point looking roughly north. The top two storeys of this block will not have brick cladding, but instead appear to be clad in what looks like aluminium flashing.

November 2013

ABOVE: The floor of the underground car parking area under the corner block starts to take shape.

ABOVE: This area will form a small courtyard once completed. I believe a driveway to the right will lead into the underground car parking area.

ABOVE: The superstructure of the Corner Block is complete and insulation and brickwork are starting to creep their way skywards.
May 2014

August 2014

November 2014

January 2015

March 2015