This page shows the three alternative Sites proposed for Brighton Station
The first, shown below, is just off Western Road in Brighton. It didn't come into being because the residents in nearby Brunswick Square whined about patrons of the station using their square as a 'cut through' to get to the sea front. It appears that the concept of 'NIMBY' (Not In My Back Yard) was alive and well even back then!
The Second, shown below,is at Park Crescent Terrace, just off Union Road in Brighton. This area is just North of the Level and next to Upper Lewes Road and would have been the most obvious place for the station terminus, being in the pit of the valley rather than built on a huge man-made plateau cut into the hillside, as it was eventually.
The Third site, shown below, is very close to the second site shown, being actually on the site of The Level itself. Again, there would have been less civil engineering involved in putting the station terminus here, as opposed to on the hillside.
None of the three alternative sites shown on this page were accepted, because none of them took into account, or made provision for, the earlier (and already established) Railways to Shoreham and Newhaven respectively. Both of these Lines were constructed before the route of the finalised London To Brighton Railway had been agreed.